Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ecclesiastes chapter 7, the 666th Bible chapter warns of the wickedness of seeking pleasure

Numbers 666, 36 and 18 all have themes that point to sin, wickedness and affliction. Note that each of these numbers can result in the number 666; thirty-six is a way of expressing three sixes; and 18 is 6+6+6. One of the key evidences of this theme can be found in the 18th verse of Revelation 13 which tells us the number of the beast being six hundred and sixty-six. This is the 18th verse in the 1180th Bible chapter (also 18 related) which is a chapter about the beast coming up out of the sea - evil coming forth. The total of 18 verses in this chapter also relate it to number 18 and further confirms it is a chapter with a likely theme about evil. Another unseen evidence showing #36 and #666 relate to sin is seen in Genesis 3:6 where Eve first took the fruit and ate, and then gave it to Adam to eat -  it is the verse of original sin. Ecclesiastes 7 which is the 666th Bible chapter, also gives evidence of this theme. More importantly, knowing the theme of #666 helps us better understand how to interpret the chapter's text.  This post shows how the 666th chapter of the Bible warns us of seeking our own pleasure which leads to wickedness and death.
(Re Genesis 3:6 - I always find it interesting to note that Jesus is sometimes called the second Adam and similarly to how Adam accepted the sin initiated by Eve, Jesus took on our sins to save us from the death they bring.).

Ecclesiastes chapter 7 - the 666th Bible Chapter...
As I was reading the Bible the other day I noticed Ecclesiastes chapter 7 was the 666th chapter of the Bible, and knowing #666 is strongly associated with sin and the number of the beast, I decided to investigate to see if this chapter was also about sin and wickedness...I think it is. Let's begin by looking at the last verse of the chapter which suggests the sins of men:
Ecc 7:29 "Behold, I have found only this, that God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices."
Some commentaries say this chapter is a contrast of wisdom and folly, but by realizing the cross Bible chapter number is 666 we have to wonder if it is more about wickedness than wisdom. As always, the first and last statements of a chapter are often key to understanding a chapter's overall theme. Verse #29 is not well understood and is translated in many ways, but I suspect it is telling us that God made us right and complete - without needing anything more for happiness. It says men are unsatisfied with what God has given us and continually seek more pleasure through their own inventions (devices). Appearing to confirm this, the first verse has a similar message - that instead of seeking things to make us feel better, it is better to live to seek a good name. It is not absolutely clear, but I think the reference to a Good Name is a reference to warning us that what is important is seeking to know and claim the name of Jesus as our savior. The reference to ointment is about the things we try to add to our life to make it more pleasant. These verses and the rest of the chapter warn us to be satisfied with the life we are given and abstain from seeking to improve what God has already made right. We can begin by realizing we are sinners from birth:
Ecc 7:20 Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.
The Bible says we are all sinners and cannot continually be good. It seems like it is a way of telling us we can't seek to make our lives continually pleasant - there is a time to be humble and mourn our situation. Our life will be filled with both good things and trials and we are to accept them both. We are not to avoid the unpleasant. We find another similar statement in the 28th verse - #28 has a Redemption Pattern theme related to "Jesus the King and redeemer" and this 28th verse says "there is but one man in a thousand that can be respected, but not one woman". Josephus said #1000 is God's number of perfection (John 3 is the 1000th Bible chapter) and this one man in 1000 could be a reference to Jesus, the Son of God who is without sin. The woman in this verse seems to represent all people on earth who can never achieve respect in God's eyes because of our sin. Men can never make themselves better or righteous through their own devices and verse 20 reminds us of our sinfulness before God and confirms there is no one on earth who is without sin. We need to be humble before God before we seek our own ways.
Ecc 7:2 It is better to go to a house of mourning Than to go to a house of feasting, Because that is the end of every man, And the living takes it to heart.
The chapter warns us to be mournful of our situation and not continually run after our own pleasures. If you read the chapter you will find verse after verse that confirms this message. As you study it, look for themes warning us about our desires for a better life and to avoid hardship - to seek wisdom instead. God desires us to be wise and looking towards our death when a good name is what will be of ultimate importance. What is a good name? I believe it is a reference to the only thing that will save us - that we have sought and found Jesus Christ as our redeemer. I have not researched this extensively, but it seems to me that when the Bible speaks of acquiring wisdom it is specifically speaking of us learning about Jesus. I suspect we can substitute the name of Jesus wherever we see wisdom mentioned in the scriptures.

The Bottom Line: We are to be watching for the Lord's return as we serve God in this life. The Redemption Pattern and Numeric Map theme for #29, and the 29 verses of this chapter both point to our need to be watching for the return of the Lord. It is at that time that a "good name" that will save us - and ointments and other inventions we have we have sought for a better life will have done us no good.

Monday, June 14, 2010

#29 teaches Jesus will return and save by faith in him alone...not by works

There are only 11 of the 31,102 Bible verses with a cross Bible sequence number that both begins and ends with the number 29 (the 2929th, 29029th, 29129th,...29929th). The interpretative value of the Bible's DNA like numeric map demonstrates a consistent message running through the text of each of these 11 verses -- that Jesus will return and save those who have placed themselves subject to him and based on their faith in him alone...and not by works...

The pattern of Cross Bible Verses numbered 29n29

Number 29 is about Jesus return which includes his actions upon his return. The DNA like numeric map again demonstrates an amazing consistency in the text related to cross Bible verse numbers that begin and end with #29. These represent a sort of hyper or intense 29 related text. Notice how they over and over again speak of Jesus saving us through his grace which has nothing to do with our works/deeds. Three of these verses speak of women being subject to their husbands which, by their relationship to #29 seems to be telling us this is speaking of the church's needing to be subject to Jesus. Ponder that there are only 11 Bible verses that begin and end with #29 and 3 of the 11 (30%) of them fall on this very specific text. More evidence that God's DNA like numeric map is no accident.

BV(2929) Lev 8:11 He sprinkled some of it on the altar seven times and anointed the consecrate them.
BV(29029) 2Cor 12:6 ...if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish...I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me...
BV(29129) Gal 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
BV(29229) Eph 1:22 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church,(Christ and the church?)
BV(29329) Eph 5:24 ...the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands...(again, Christ and the church?)
BV(29429) Philp 3:7 But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.
BV(29529) Col 3:11 a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew,... but Christ is all, and in all.
BV(29629) 1The 5:7 For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night.(29-6-29 and 6 is number of sin)
BV(29729) 1Tim 2:12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man,...(again, Christ and the church?)
BV(29829) 2Tim 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
BV(29929) Titus 3:5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds...but according to His mercy...